Consejo guiado
Un enfoque natural para sanar y alcanzar su máximo potencial
a nuestro sitio
Todos y cada uno de nosotros tenemos una cosa en común. Nacemos en un viaje. No nacemos sin nada que hacer. Cuando era niño, puede recordar cómo solÃa "ver" cosas, hablar con amigos imaginarios, no encajar o tal vez simplemente se sentÃa mucho "mayor" que sus compañeros. Fuiste guiado por tu intuición e imaginación. A medida que envejecemos y comenzamos a seguir las reglas de las escuelas y la sociedad, tendemos a poner nuestros poderes infantiles en un segundo plano. No hay que olvidarlo, sino dejarlo allà a la espera del momento adecuado para empezar a asomarse fuera de su cueva, y buscar atención. Si este es usted, está en el lugar correcto y le damos la bienvenida.
PermÃtanos ayudarlo a alcanzar su máximo potencial a través de su propia guÃa interna, porque "Eso" sabe cuáles son sus próximos pasos. Solo tienes que escuchar y seguir.

We are intuitive healers and every session is unique, based on the needs of the client. A hypnotherapy session along with energy healing may be conducted, maybe even sound bowls or tuning forks. Channeled messages from transitioned loved ones may be integrated. It is an exciting and tailored experience. Being open to receiving from any/all forms of modalities is essential to have the best experiece possible. These sessions are meant to help you to proceed with your life path and purpose.

Past Life Regression Hypnotherpy
A session that takes you deep into the subconcious/higher-self, where we find the answers you seek. This is a practice allows us to take you to a deeper level of mediation than in a traditional hypnotic session. Depending on the session and individual, if it calls for it, we will use our psychic mediumship skills to help have a stronger connection.
*The facilitator will not stop the session if it goes over that time if progress is still being made.
Reserve at least 3-5 hours of non-interrupted time. This can be done in the comfort of your own home or in my office in Northridge.
$200 per hour
A typical session will last 2.5-3 hours. If another session is needed/requested, the rate will be $150 per hour. Typically, in 1-3 sessions, you will get more insight to yourself than traditional weekly sessions.

During the session, multiple modalities are used to provide the most accurate reading. The tarot cards will provide a life path guidance for the next 3-6 months. We are here to guide you with the best possible recommendations and insight.
$125 for 50 mins

Energy Healing
Energy healing is done by tapping into your highest vibration. We use your inner healing abilities and amplify to work on healing physical ailments, mental and/or emotional blocks, or chakra cleansing. This is also used with the hypnotherapy if needed, however the higher-self will typically handle this.
Please Note: Rate for this service varies dependent upon what is being worked on.
$75 - $150 for
45 - 60 minute session
Includes Travel Time in 30 Mile Radius

Sound Bath Healing
Relax right into the lovely vibrational sounds of the sound bowls. Allow them to open up your chakras, your mind and your third eye. Magical things may happen when you fully surrender into this healing.
$75 - $150 for
45 - 60 minute session
Includes Travel Time in 30 Mile Radius

Combination Energy and Sound Healing
Get the full effect with both energy and sound healing. Emotional, physical and mental blocks will be addressed, as well as opening of the chakras. It is very common for emotions to be heightened during either healing sessions. These symptoms are a beatiful way to cleanse the body of what no longer serves you. Welcome it for it may just be the insight that you needed in your life.
Please Note: Rate for this service varies dependent upon what is being worked on.
$125 - $200 for
80 - 90 minute session
Includes Travel Time in 30 Mile Radius

Life and Spirit Peaceful Transition
Do you have a loved one that is about to transition into the light and would like to be guided? We ensure that your loved one is met on the other side with love and open arms. We help them feel safe, secure and protected by the white light.
We also help spirits that are stuck in the lower realms to transition. They may not be aware that they are no longer living, still have resentment, or feel like they have something to finish before they fully transition. We help them move into the light with love and protection.
We will travel to where your loved one is located within a 40 mile radius. If further away please contact me for arrangements.

Channeling Ishtar
Channeling Ishtar, the overseer from the Galactic Federation, has been an amazing experience. Ishtar is able to answer questions about life and the current state of affairs in Earth's ascension (awakening) process. What to expect, how to handle it, how to move during the darkest times at your highest vibration. When channeling Ishtar, we must have an open mind because we never know how the conversations and/or sessions will go. It is a very unique experience where Ishtar uses Neyda's body as the vessel to provide us with his messages.
$100 for 50 minute session
Channeled messages are provided free of service in MeetUp. Please come and join others like you for an intuitive and healing experience.

Spiritual Coaching
Sometimes you need a mentor to help guide you during journey. You will encounter different mentors along your path, depending on where you are at on your journey. Learn how to channel and "speak" to your higher self directly. Learn how to be more intuitive and tap into your natural abilities. Open up the pineal gland (third eye) to get your life roadmap.
Rate depends on the individual's current spiritual path
A full interview is conducted to ensure that we are a good match for this process. We want you to succeed and we will be your accountability partner.

Booking Events
Interested in providing staff, family or friends a unique experience? Book any of the above sessions, either just one service or multiple. We look forward to working with groups because the energy is intensified when like-minded individuals come together.
Call / Email / Text
for additional information
mi nombre es asturia
Desde que era una niña, sabÃa que no encajaba con la multitud. Mis amigos y familiares siempre me percibieron como "diferente". Siempre cuestioné que la vida no deberÃa ser tan difÃcil. Siempre me preguntaba si habÃa algo más en la vida que ir a la escuela, casarme, comprar una casa, tener hijos y tener una carrera. ParecÃa tan aburrido y ¿cuál es el punto de vivir? Avance rápido y mi vida es completamente diferente. Esas preguntas han sido respondidas y mi objetivo es ayudar a otros a obtener respuestas a sus preguntas también. Ayudar a otros a crecer me ayuda en mi propio proceso de ascensión.
Canalizo y brindo mensajes al colectivo además de trabajar uno a uno. Viajo a través del plano astral y más allá. Tengo una sed feroz de continuar en mi camino y seguir aprendiendo.
A medida que continúe aprendiendo, expandiré mis servicios para poder enseñar a otros o al menos ayudar implementando lo que aprendo.
Gracias y espero trabajar con usted.


2/3 - 2/4/2024
Residence Inn by Marriott Oxnard River Ridge
2101 W Vineyard Ave, Oxnard, CA 93036
Little Sedona Expo - I will be at my booth doing readings and energy healings. Stop to say hi and pick an oracle card to get a quick message from your higher self!
SPECIAL EVENT! 2/4 @ 2PM Will be amazing as Edna from Edna Energetics and I will team up to conduct a light activation meditation with crystal bowls. Expect to be taken to another dimension, or come out super relaxed with a new and positive perspective.
Guided Counsel and Edna Energetics
Private Event
Please email me for private events. The rate is $125 per hour with a two hour minimum.
Burbank - Location TBD
More info to follow.